
Christian Apologetics

Christian Apologetics course image

“Why would a good God allow evil to exist?” Do you know the answer to this question? Have you asked the following questions?
* “What happens to people who have never heard the gospel?”
* “How were the books of the Bible selected?”
* “Why are there so many church denominations?”
* “Why would God command the killing of so many people in the Bible (e.g., the Canaanites)?”
You will have the opportunity to explore many “tough questions” in this class.

Course Objectives

This course is designed to introduce students to several of the most common topics in Christian apologetics. It will equip them to present a rational defense of the Christian faith in a postmodern context and to winsomely lead others to Jesus. Topics include truth and epistemology, scientific evidence for God, evidence from morality, miracles, and the reliability of Scripture, especially regarding the resurrection of Jesus.

Required Texts and Materials

Norman L. Geisler and Frank Turek, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist (Crossway, 2021)

Course Evaluation

Student performance will be evaluated based on attendance, class participation, and homework completion



Course Schedule
Please be aware of time zone differences!
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Sep 21 (09:00 AM) Sep 28 (09:00 AM) Oct 05 (09:00 AM) Oct 12 (09:00 AM) Oct 19 (09:00 AM) Oct 26 (09:00 AM)
  • Week 1 - Sep 21
    09:00 AM

    Introduction to Christian apologetics, apologetic tactics

  • Week 2 - Sep 28
    09:00 AM

    Truth and epistemology (EF Intro, 1-2)

  • Week 3 - Oct 05
    09:00 AM

    Scientific evidence for God (EF 3–6)

  • Week 4 - Oct 12
    09:00 AM

    Morality as evidence for God, miracles (EF 7–8)

  • Week 5 - Oct 19
    09:00 AM

    Reliability of the New Testament (EF 9–11)

  • Week 6 - Oct 26
    09:00 AM

    The historicity of Jesus’ resurrection and its implications (EF 12–15)

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Shepherd Ben West

  • Studied Mechanical Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis (where he was invited to UBF as a freshman) 
  • Moved to Minneapolis after marrying Rebekah, where they are making disciples of students at the University of Minnesota
  • After retiring from engineering to pursue full-time ministry, Ben obtained an MDiv at Faith Bible Seminary
  • He enjoys 3D printing and playing the ocarina
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