Summer 2024
List & Registration
Welcome to Vision Academy! To register for the courses listed below:
First create your login ID by clicking on CREATE ACCOUNT below
(if you have not done so already) -
Return to this Registration page and select your course(s) by clicking on APPLY
(please confirm the course dates/time as courses may have overlapping times) - If you want to change your registration, you can edit it by clicking on Application List under your “My Page” tab
To create your login ID, click on Create Account
Please be aware of time zone differences!
The times included in the list below are in New York time. To check your local date and time, go to 'Programs' > 'Course Schedule' and select your time zone.

SPR-201A Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Part 1)
You can’t be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature. In the course, you will unpack core biblical principles to guide you into... (More)

Pastor Greg Lewis ;

Erick Lopez ;

Mary Lee
Applied / Capacity

Dr. Joseph Cho
Applied / Capacity
![행복한 결혼을 위한 나침반: 결혼준비부터 부부갈등 해결까지 [Postponed] Course Image](/images/courses/spirituality-180.jpg)
SPR-180 행복한 결혼을 위한 나침반: 결혼준비부터 부부갈등 해결까지 [Postponed]
첫째, 부부가 어떻게 만나는지, 왜 갈등하게 되는지? 부부 갈등은 어떻게 진행되는지 살펴본다.둘째, 관계이론인 애착이론을 통해 애착유형과 관계맺는 패턴을 공부함으로 부부 관계를 좀... (More)