Faculty Profile

Dr. Abraham Bae
Abraham Bae is a layman missionary serving the Washington chapter in Maryland, USA. He is married to Susanna Bae and has four children. He is an assistant professor at Howard University and teaches mechanical engineering subjects (i.e., microfabrication, computer aided design, and computer aided engineering).
Professional Career Choice and Planning (Semester: Summer 2022)
Dr. Abraham Donghyok Seo
현재 평신도 스탭으로 아산센터를 2002년부터 섬기고 있으며, 학부에서는 전자공학을 전공하였고 컴퓨터공학으로 석사, 박사 학위를 취득하였다.
컴퓨터 공학 외에도 데이터통신, 경영학(하이테크 마케팅)을 공부하였으며, 2000년대 초에는 웹에이전시 프리랜서로 활동하기도 하였다.
아내 서사라 목자도 컴퓨터공학 박사이며 아들 David은 물리학 박사과정을 수료하고 연구활동을 지속하고 있다. 딸 Eunsaem은 통계학, 가장 어린 아들 Paul은 대학에서 전자공학을 공부하고 있다.
현재 단국대학교 교수로 재직하고 있으며 동역하는 목자들과 함께 호서대학교, 나사렛대학교, 공주대학교, KoreaTech, 단국대 학생들을 영육간에 돕고 있으며, IT분야 전문가가 되도록 돕고 있다.
IT분야 취업, 창업, 선교 세미나(Korean) (Semester: Winter 2022-23)
Dr. Augustine Suh
Dr. Augustine Suh serves as the UBF HQ Education Department Chair. He holds a PhD in Theology from Kirchliche Hochschule Wuppertal, Germany. Previously, he taught as Professor of theology at Westminster Seminary in South Korea and Midwest University in the USA. Currently, he is actively involved in pastoral training programs for UBF leaders. As a member of the Evangelical Theological Society, he demonstrates unwavering commitment to Biblical Christianity. His passion is to know Christ and to proclaim Him.
UBF Statement of Faith: What Are Our Core Beliefs? (Semester: Fall 2024)
Shepherd Ben West
Christian Apologetics (Semester: Winter 2023-24)Christian Apologetics (Semester: Fall 2024)

Dr. Bora Sul
Evangelism at School, Home and Work (Semester: Fall 2023)
Dr. Daniel Y. Lee
Faith with Assurance: To Live in Christ with Confidence (Semester: Fall 2022)God and Money: Biblical Perspectives and Principles (Semester: Summer 2023)

Missionary David Seung Won
Shepherding with 1:1 Bible Study: Basics and Best Practices (Semester: Spring 2023)
Missionary Elijah Park
He has been a missionary at Washington UBF since 1978. After retiring from his job in 2015, he continues to serve on campus missions with his wife, Grace, and his children, Joe and his wife, Josephine, Augustine and his wife, Sarah, and his youngest daughter, Sarah. He has six grandchildren: Jonathan, Abigail, Benjamin, Enoch, Emma, and Enoch
How to Read the Book of Revelation: A Beginner’s Guide (Semester: Winter 2024-25)
Erick Lopez
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Part 1) (Semester: Summer 2024)Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Part 2) (Semester: Fall 2024)

Dr. Grace S. Lee
Grace Lee, together with Samuel A. Lee, has served the campus ministry in Mid-West and East Coast campuses. While guiding students in their spiritual growth, her passion for Biblical Counseling flourished, leading her to establish Love Bible Counseling. Her specialty is on Third Culture Kids care. She currently teaches Biblical Counseling as an adjunct professor at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, MO. Residing in Chicago with her husband, an adult TCK, and their three grown children, Grace finds joy in nature.
My Friend Is Suffering from Addiction. How Can I Help? (Semester: Winter 2024-25)
Pastor Greg Lewis
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Part 1) (Semester: Summer 2024)Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Part 2) (Semester: Fall 2024)

Dr. Haejin Jean Kim
The Vision of God's Kingdom through the Book of Acts (Semester: Spring 2023)The Vision of God's Kingdom through the Book of Acts (Semester: Summer 2023)

Dr. John K. Lee
Discipleship Outside the Box: Discover Vision for Your Life and Others (Semester: Fall 2023)UBF Short Term Mission Trips: How to Apply and Prepare (Semester: Winter 2023-24)

Dr. Joseph Cho
Dr. Joseph Cho is a layman missionary in Los Angeles. He is the UBF HQ IT Social Media Mission Coordinator since November, 2019. He wored 21 years as an IT engineer at SK Group in South Korea, involved in developing and operating SK's Tmap. He has a Ph.D. degree in Big Data Analysis, and he is a researcher at Chapman University. He started a startup LC Lab, Inc. 2021.
IT Career Path, Startups, and Mission (Semester: Winter 2022-23)IT분야 취업, 창업, 선교 세미나(Korean) (Semester: Winter 2022-23)
AI and Faith: Understanding Generative AI and Its Impact on Your Career (Semester: Summer 2024)

Mary Lee
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Part 1) (Semester: Summer 2024)Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Part 2) (Semester: Fall 2024)

Dr. Moses Noh
Moses Noh is a layman missionary in Philadelphia. Since he accepted God’s grace and calling in college he has been committed to UBF campus mission. He is happily married to Rebekah who is also a UBF layman missionary and they have three children, David (21), Grace (19), and Abraham (18). He is a professor at Drexel University and specialized in biomedical applications of microfabrication technologies. He loves playing tennis so whenever he travels he takes the Bible in his right hand and tennis racket in his left. He finds it a great joy to have a conversation with young people and answer some of their questions based on biblical truth and his experience.
Freedom from Porn (Semester: Spring 2023)UBF Short Term Mission Trips: How to Apply and Prepare (Semester: Winter 2023-24)

Dr. Nehemiah Kim
Dr. Nehemiah Kim is a staff shepherd serving Gwangju UBF (Chapter 1) in Korea.
He earned a BA degree in English (Korea University), Master of Divinity (Westminster Divinity School), and ThD/PhD (Kwangshin University).
He authored several books, including <칼빈의 성경해석학>, <칼빈의 성경해석학과 설교, 그리고 묵상>, <성경의 숲>
Spiritual Leadership in the Books of Samuel and Kings (Semester: Summer 2022)Golden Words of Wisdom from the Book of Proverbs (Semester: Winter 2022-23)

Dr. Richard S Choi
Evangelism at School, Home and Work (Semester: Fall 2023)