
Golden Words of Wisdom from the Book of Proverbs

Golden Words of Wisdom from the Book of Proverbs course image

God has given us our language as a gift. Our language is a means of communication. It also functions in establishing and facilitating our relationships with others. Our words can cause a conflict in relationships.They can also create a relationship of love and affection. We are hurt by words and also receive much encouragement and comfort from the words of others. Our words can affect our relationship with others, and even our success or failure in life. What we say comes out of our mouth from what is stored in our heart. At the same time, our words can affect our thought process. Words have power, both creative and destructive. In this course, we will explore how we can develop and use words that are creative, wholesome, and helpful in building good relationships with others.The book of Proverbs is a rich source of God’s wisdom. We can learn many spiritual lessons from the book. Our focus this time will be on the use of words in our daily life.

Course Objectives

Upon completing this course, students will be able to discern spiritual language and use it in their daily life by reflecting on their words with the help of Solomon’s wisdom. Our language is closely related to our thoughts. We want to examine how our thoughts are formed and how to use spiritual language in life as the children of God.

Required Texts and Materials

Tremper Longman (2006), “Proverbs”; Baker Academic. ISBN: 9780801026928

Course Evaluation

Student performance will be evaluated based on attendance, course participation, assignment and the final essay.



Course Schedule
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Dec 02 (17:30 PM) Dec 09 (17:30 PM) Dec 16 (17:30 PM) Dec 30 (17:30 PM)
  • Week 1 - Dec 02
    17:30 PM

    Keep your mouth free of perversity


    Proverbs 6

  • Week 2 - Dec 09
    17:30 PM

    The mouth of the righteous and the mouth of the wicked


    Proverbs 10

  • Week 3 - Dec 16
    17:30 PM

    The tongue of the wise brings healing


    Proverbs 12

  • Week 4 - Dec 30
    17:30 PM

    The soothing tongue is a tree of life


    Proverbs 15

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Dr. Nehemiah Kim

Dr. Nehemiah Kim is a staff shepherd serving Gwangju UBF (Chapter 1) in Korea.
He earned a BA degree in English (Korea University), Master of Divinity (Westminster Divinity School), and ThD/PhD (Kwangshin University).
He authored several books, including <칼빈의 성경해석학>, <칼빈의 성경해석학과 설교, 그리고 묵상>, <성경의 숲>

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